How To Make Melted Crayon Art With A Hair Dryer?

3 min readApr 7, 2022

Are you an art lover and want to know some crayon crafting ideas? Crayons are fun to play with especially when you are melting them. Additionally, you don’t have to spend hours making a masterpiece with crayons.

But before knowing how to make the melted crayon art, it is essential to take some safety steps. Remove the paper from the crayons before it starts melting. Also, spread a cloth beneath the canvas to save the surface from getting spotted with the residue of melted crayons.

How long does it take to melt crayons with a hairdryer?

You are finding the answer to how long does it take to melt crayons with a hairdryer, and here is the answer. A crayon takes almost 30 seconds to melt and drip. Suppose you have glued 24 crayons on the canvas, then multiply 30 with 24.

As we have 60 seconds in a minute, our calculation tells us that we only need 12 minutes to melt 24 crayons. And it’s a pretty little time. Isn’t it?

Melted Crayon Art

We have listed a few fun crafts that you can do with the crayons in your leisure time. You will surely love the end res of all the crafts.

Point #1: Crayons On The Canvas

This most famous crayon craft and you must have seen its pictures on the internet. We want to make it easier and more fun by telling you the complete procedure. You just need a blow dryer, crayons, paint color, brush, and a canvas to create and showcase your creativity.

Take white paper and draw anything of your choice. You can sketch a girl with an umbrella. Alternatively, a scenic location will also look good. Brush it with any paint color of your choice after completing the drawing. It is recommended to dye with black and the killer combination of multi-color crayons, and black will astonish you.

Cut the drawing from paper and paste it on the bottom side of the canvas. Then, glue all the crayons on the top with the help of a glue gun, and here comes the most critical step. This step will decide whether it does or dies for your masterpiece.

You have to cover your painting with cardboard or paper to save it from the dripping crayons. Now you have to take a blow dryer and melt the crayons. Blow air from right to left and left to right to create a uniform flow of crayons. Uncover the painting, and voila! The walls of your home are ready to welcome their new friend aka your painting.

Point #2: Reuse Your Old Canvas

Got an old canvas but don’t want to throw it? Every craft lover has the same feeling when throwing things in the trash. We have the solution to your problem. What about turning it into a piece of art that everyone will love to stare at

Let’s start crafting. Take some old crayons and peel off the paper from all of them. Throw the paper trash in the dustbin and hold your blow dryer in one hand. Hold the crayon with the help of tongs on the other hand and start melting. The crayon will become soft at degrees Fahrenheit and start dripping when heated to 150 degrees Fahrenheit maximum.

The dripping crayons will make an abstract design on the canvas. Try to mix and match different colors to create a fantastic piece of art. Hang the canvas on the favorite corner of your house to add up the beauty in that area.

Point #3: Crayon Candle

Everyone loves popping colored candles, and you must be one of those like us. What about making candles at home with crayons? Let’s see how we make ours.

Take a transparent glass and place a wick in between. Then take three disposable cups and put an equal amount of broken crayons and clear wax or scented wax cubes in them. Mix and melt this mixture with the help of a blow dryer and start pouring it into the glass. Let the solution dry, and that’s it. Your customized candle is ready.

It’s A Wrap!

We hope you found the answer to how to make melted crayon art with a hairdryer. We are sure that you will love all these methods if you are a craft enthusiast. Also, read this piece of writing to know how to melt crayons on canvas.




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